How to Save Images as Type JPG/JPEG/PNG/WebP?

In today’s digital world, images are everywhere, from social media posts to professional presentations. With the diverse needs of creators and consumers alike, knowing how to save images in different formats is essential. Each format has its strengths and purposes, and mastering the techniques to save images in JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP formats can greatly enhance your workflow and optimize image quality. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods to save images as type JPG/JPEG/PNG/WebP.

1. Right-click Save Image & Convert to Other Types with Image Converters

Whether you’re capturing a moment, creating digital art, or enhancing web content, the ability to save and convert images to different formats is invaluable. The right-click method is a quick and convenient way to save images directly from web browsers and image converters allow you to convert images from one format to another.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly save images as JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP:

Step 1: Hover your cursor over the image you wish to save, right-click on the image, and click “Save image as…” to download it on your device.

save image as original type

Step 2: If you want to save images as other types, choose, download and install a popular image converter, such as “PiCode“.

picode website

Step 3: Upload the image and convert it to the desired output format from the available options (JPG, JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, and BMP).

picode save type as

2. Save Images as Type JPG/JPEG/PNG/WebP with Browser Extensions

Browser extensions designed for image saving provide enhanced capabilities beyond the standard right-click save option. These extensions can convert and save images in multiple formats directly from the context menu, making it easy to manage image formats without needing additional software or online converters. This method is particularly useful for users who frequently download images and need quick access to different file types.

These concise steps help you use browser extensions to save images in different formats efficiently:

Step 1: Open your web browser, visit the browser’s extension store (e.g., Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons), search for a reliable image saving extension (e.g., “Save Image As Type“), then click on the “Add to Chrome” button to install this extension.

install save image as type extension

Step 2: Browse to the webpage containing the image you want to save, locate the image that you want to download, right-click to open the context menu, select “Save Image As Type” and choose the desired format (e.g., “Save Image As JPG“) from the extension’s menu.

save image as type extension

3. Bulk Save Images as Type JPG/JPEG/PNG/WebP with Imaget

Imaget is a powerful tool designed to help users download multiple images from websites quickly and efficiently. Imaget can extract and download images in original quality from all websites in bulk and allows for conversion to various formats like JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP. This tool is especially useful for users who need to handle large volumes of images and want to automate the process of downloading and converting them.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using Imaget downloader to save images as type JPG, JPEG, PNG, and WebP:

Step 1: Download Imaget by clicking the button below, follow the installation instructions to install it on your computer, and then launch the program to begin using it.

Step 2: Open the page that contains images you want to download with Imaget’s built-in browser, then click the “Auto Scroll” button to let Imaget scan the webpage and list all available images.

auto scroll page to detect images to save

Step 3: You can also paste a list of image or page URLs, click on the “Start” button, and Imaget will open them with different tabs and detect the images.

paste image urls to save as type

Step 4: Review the list of detected images and select the ones you want to download based on resolutions and formats, then specify the destination folder and the output format (JPG, JPEG, PNG, or WebP) for the images.

imaget save type as

Step 5: Click the “Save all” button to begin downloading and converting the selected images to the specified format. When the download process is complete, click on the “Open fold” icon and navigate to the destination folder to find downloaded and converted images.

bulk save images as type


By implementing these methods, you can easily manage and convert images to suit your specific requirements, whether for personal use, professional projects, or online content creation. The traditional method allows you to quickly save images and convert them to your preferred format using popular online tools. The browser extensions streamline the process, offering enhanced functionality directly within your web browser. This is particularly useful for frequent downloads and format conversions. If you prefer to handle large volumes of images, Imaget offers an efficient solution by automating the image download and conversion process, saving you significant time and effort, suggest that you download Imaget and give it a try.